content1 – steelbuildingjobs Mon, 06 Apr 2020 09:28:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Improve Your Skills: A Brief Manual For Freelance Writers Fri, 20 Oct 2017 09:34:09 +0000 Read More]]> One of the most interesting online gigs you will find today is freelance writing. Whatever your area of specialization, you can now find clients from across the globe seeking topnotch writers for their academic papers, blogs or web content.

There are many reasons to freelance top among them being flexibility, more control over your work, good pay, broad range of subject areas, boosting your knowledge for your professional growth among many others. You have an opportunity to work from any corner of the world and a chance to let your creativity flow.

High Demand for Quality Work
If you are already engaged in writing jobs online you appreciate this is an exciting but also challenging line of work. Most beginners jump in without a lot of thought based on lopsided reviews by others. Of course many essay writers try to find ideal job. You will find many complaints by freelancers claiming their work is being unfairly rejected but they are simply not facing up with the reality.

While there is a free flow of freelance writing jobs you have to understand that only the highest quality content gets accepted. Clients are willing to pay top dollar for well researched and composed essays and web content and they are also quick to reject any shoddy write-ups. If you are struggling to find content work coming your way, it is likely that you haven’t hacked the secrets to delivering quality content.

Tips to Improve your Skills
Truth be told, online freelance writing jobs offer everyone with a knack for written text an opportunity to make money. Many professionals now use this as a side hustle to boost their incomes. Many graduates have also picked this as their full time job because of the myriad opportunities available.

To maximize on your income from writer jobs online use the following expert tips:

  • Always get the right information: One of the most common mistakes beginner sin this filed make is rushing to start and complete a task without getting all the details. Remember your client has all details about their brand or the research paper requirements. Take time to consult and only begin a project when you have ascertained every requirement.
  • Invest more time in research: it’s all good to complete an essay in record time but you also risk getting your work rejected in the process. If you want to get consistent freelance writing jobs UK online you have to build a reputation for excellence and the best way to do this is by investing more time in research to deliver high quality content. In fact, researching more reduces the time spent in actual writing.
  • Learn from mistakes: The toughest moment for a freelancer is when an order is rejected or comes back with multiple requests for revisions. This should be an opportunity to learn and the best freelancers in fact take this in their stride. You have to be ready for criticism and in order to improve, use such comment to improve your work.
  • Only use legitimate sources: The last thing you want is to provide wrong or non-factual information in a client’s work. This is considered worse than plagiarism and leads to outright rejection of your work. Popular sources such as Wikipedia might be good for general knowledge but the information they carry is note credible enough for research purposes.
  • Keep it simple: The most common misconception about this job is that you have to use jargon to succeed. As a writer, your duty is to communicate more so when working on online freelance writing jobs. Website readers for instance have little time to lookup vocabularies while pompously written academic papers appear inauthentic. As such, use simple to understand language to easily pass your message across.

Whether you are looking for writing or online book editor jobs, you need to stand out from the crowd, avoid grammatical errors, always edit and proofread your work, schedule time for your job and always heed to a clients’ instructions.

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Advantages Of Freelance Writing Jobs For Future Career Fri, 20 Oct 2017 09:31:13 +0000 Read More]]> Internet technology has revolutionized the world in many ways. One of these positive changes is in allowing experts to utilize their skills and get more value for their knowledge. Online writer jobs are now among the most popular ventures for people seeking to make money online. Whether you already have a job or you are in school, these jobs offer multiple benefits.

Starting out as a Freelancer
It is no wonder then that so many freelancing marketplaces have emerged all seeking to connect content creators with clients. In a globalized world, it is possible to find clients from all corners of the world. Getting started for a freelance writing job is easy because your startup kit only includes a personal computer and internet connection.

Before starting out, make sure you carry out due diligence to identify the best type of freelancing gigs. You can pick from among web content creation and copywriting, social media content creation, academic essays, editorial and freelance proofreading jobs, blogging and many others.

You should also narrow down on your area of specialization especially in academic content and preferably an area closely related to your profession. If you are in college studying law for instance, it would be advisable to pick legal essays and research papers. You should also identify the best places for freelance beginners and build your profile gradually.

How Freelancing Boosts Your Career
Is freelancing writing good for your career? This is something most people don’t consider when starting out yet it is very pertinent. Whatever area of freelancing you decide to major in, there is a huge impact on your area of specialization. Some of the benefits that academic and content writing jobs online will bring to your career include:

  1. Refining your skills
  2. Let’s say you are majoring in sports journalism in college. By specializing in freelance sports writing jobs online you will broaden your knowledge on different sports which makes you an invaluable resource person. The beauty of these jobs is that you can find work on virtually any topic ranging from computer engineering, genetics, law, medicine, nursing, SEO and political science among others.

  3. Competitive Edge in the Job Market
  4. Employers today are looking for practical skills and not just academic papers. If you are asked for prove about your competency in a specific area, you can use your freelancing career. Most essays require intense research and personal opinion.
    Any interview panel would enjoy listening to your insight on many areas in your field. Better still, you will always have an answer for questions raised by an interviewing panel based on the wide exposure you have in your discipline.

  5. Good Grades in College
  6. If you are studying medicine, you can improve your grasp on the course by tackling academic essays. Getting good grades in college is not easy and most students struggle because of lack of a broader perspective.
    By handling different tasks, you broaden your knowledge and you will always have an easy time when it comes to your own research. You already have many topics to pick form and you know where the best resources can be found.

  7. Improved Communication Skills
  8. Many employers claim graduates joining their ranks are poor in communication. This is more so when it comes to writing. By tackling different online editor jobs in a variety of fields, you get a chance to build your communication skills and these will come in handy when hunting for a job.

  9. Good Research Skills
  10. Every industry today is looking for researchers with in-depth knowledge and understanding. As a freelancer, you are required to carry our intense research for all work you hand in. These skills will come in handy when looking for a job.

There are many other advantages of enhancing in freelance writing as a student. These jobs give you a new perspective in your area of study, broaden your knowledge and boost your research and communication skills.

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Making Your First Steps In Freelance Writing: Expert Tips Fri, 20 Oct 2017 09:28:25 +0000 Read More]]> One of the most interesting to leverage the popularity of internet use is through freelance writing jobs. The demand for quality web content and academic papers has spurred the growth of this industry with clients from across the world ready to pay top dollar for good content.

Versatile Freelancing Opportunities
Whether you are already employed, in college or running a business, you can now get paid to proofread, write or edit content online. They beauty of it is that there are no tedious physical interviews and meetings involved and you have a wide selection of options to pick. If you have always found it easy to work with words, it is time to convert your hobby into a regular flow of income.

If you already have a job, this is a flexible side hustle which enables to maximize on your skills by making more money. College students will also find diverse writing and editor jobs online which will help them start earning income while still in school.

Expert Tips on Freelance Jobs
While there are myriad opportunities to make money with freelance writing jobs online, you have to prepare yourself for challenges along the way. The best approach is to find as much information as possible before getting started. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Narrow Down On a Subject (s)
  2. One of the greatest mistakes new writers seeking homework jobs inevitably make is picking any work that comes their way. Of course everyone starts with a lot of enthusiasm now that this is one if the qualities all experts call for. However, this quickly leads to burnout and lack of creativity.
    You are forced to write on virtually everything and this means your essays or web content is not unique. It is advisable to pick one subject or a few where you have some interest because this gives you the drive you need to produce high quality content.

  3. Get Yourself Ready
  4. It is a simple tip yet one which you will be thankful about for the rest of your freelancing career. When it comes to this field, you will be virtually swamped by work and if you are not well prepared, it is possible to suffer burnout. Make sure you set a schedule for work because the industry is active 24/7. This is just like any other career and if you don’t have a clear-cut working schedule, you will have little time for yourself.

  5. Combine Hard Work With Creativity
  6. Don’t let anyone tell you that writing is easy because you will approach filed with a lopsided perspective. Most beginners struggle because they were made to believe this is an easy way to make money. However, you have to slough it out for hours in research and your creativity will come in handy when composing web content or academic essays.

  7. Start Networking Early
  8. Networking in this industry is very crucial in growing your profile. If you earn through an essay or get paid to proofread make sure you retain the contact of a client. Engage them and request for genuine reviews and rating. By building relationships, you are building the first steps in your career and it is worthwhile to always interact even after the job is done.

  9. Learn from Others
  10. However good you are in your area of specialization, it is advisable to be open-minded when it comes to online writing. Take time to learn what experts have to say about academic writing jobs, web content and editorial jobs. You might be very good in accounting but when looking for financial writer jobs you have to learn the tricks of the trade from the experts.

There’s much to learn when starting out in freelance writing and it is advisable to take your time to learn as much as you can. These tips will help you get started.

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Freelance Writing: How It Works And What To Start With Fri, 20 Oct 2017 09:24:42 +0000 Read More]]> If you are good in writing, it is now possible to turn this into a part time or full time source of money through freelance writing job online. The internet has made it possible for people with a knack for words to make money selling text to clients from across the globe.

Whether you are a college student, a work from home mum or a professional in full time employment, internet freelancing gigs can earn you good income. It is no wonder writing has emerged the most lucrative online gigs with millions of people now engaged in this trade.

The Advantages of Internet Freelancing
This is one of the most convenient ways of making money from your talent. All you need is internet connection and personal computer and you are set to go. Working here requires minimal investment and this makes this an ideal opportunity for students or anyone who needs a reliable source of cash.

It is also a good way of augmenting your knowledge in an area of expertise by tackling a broad range of subjects. There is a broad variety of tasks to pick from and this broadens your perspective in life. As you grow your reputation by delivering high quality essays or web copy, clients will start looking for you and at this point, you can be selective about the type of work you choose.

How Freelancing Writing Works
Before jumping headfirst into writing online jobs you need to fully understand how it works. This is like any other job and many beginners struggle because they don’t approach it with the professionalism and preparedness required. To avoid the same pitfall, consider the following points:

  1. Research and Understand How Freelancing Works
  2. The idea behind essay writing jobs online from home is the same with any other service industry. A college student looking for a good academic essay or a website owner looking for copy will go online searching for anyone offering these services.
    There are different platforms offering a meeting place for freelancers and such clients. All transactions are done online without need for physical meetings and this includes payments. There are many types of tasks available including copy writing, blogging, academic essays, social media content creation, freelance editing jobs among others.

  3. Identify Skills Required
  4. At a glance, freelancing looks easy but that’s until you get started. There’s so much to do and if you don’t have prerequisite skills, you are going to give up sooner than later. Among the skills you require are:

    • Time management
    • Organizational skills
    • Communication skills
    • Confidence
    • Research skills
    • Creativity and innovation
  5. Identify the Challenges
  6. There are many opportunities in this area but then again you have to be aware of the challenges that abound. These include competition for available work, demand for highest quality work even without availability of resources, difficult clients among others. Once you identify these, create a game plan on how to deal with each. Read more form experts and learn how they have managed to succeed in light of these challenges.

  7. Identify a Subject Area
  8. If you are looking for an online book editing jobs or any other freelancing gig, don’t approach your job search blindly. Narrow down on a subject area where you are most comfortable in. For instance, if you have a background in medicine it is advisable to pick an order in related areas in order to consistently deliver quality papers.

  9. Find Out Where To Find Work
  10. As a beginner looking for writing or editing job opportunities, you need to find platforms such as BloggingPro, Wise Geek, iWriter and Scripted among others. There are platforms which accept beginners and you will find invaluable resources to get you started.

Freelancing is now a goldmine as long as you have a skill you can sell. As a writer, there are immense opportunities to made money editing, creating copy and web content and so much more. These tips will help you get started.

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Where Can Beginners Find Freelance Writing Jobs Fri, 20 Oct 2017 09:22:02 +0000 Read More]]> Online writing has gradually evolved to become the ultimate internet hustle for anyone with a knack for words. It has never been easier to make money from your expertise whether you are a student, professional, tutor or even a business owner. In a globalized world of commerce, it is easy for clients to meet service providers and content creators are leveraging this opportunity to make money.

How to Build a Career in Online Writing
If you are wondering how you can harness the immense power of internet technology, it is time to learn how to start creating content and proofreading jobs. To get started you have to reschedule your time and find a slot for these tasks. This is important if you are a college student or in employment.

More importantly, you need to narrow down on a particular freelancing option when looking for freelance writing jobs Canada. Most beginners get overwhelmed by the options available and it is thus advisable to identify a specific type of job you can focus on. The popular freelancing options include blogging, web content creation web copy creation, essay editor jobs, academic and research writing, magazine features, social media c0nten creation among others.

It is also advisable to narrow down on a subject area you wish to focus on both in website content creation and academic tasks. This helps grow your clout in this field and builds your reputation in the industry. When looking for online jobs, it is advisable to work only with reputable freelancer websites to avoid being scammed off your hard earned money.

Where to find work in Online Writing
When looking for writing gigs as a beginner or freelance writing jobs for college students you have to be cautious to be realistic on the tasks you can complete. Many beginners fail because they have no idea where to get started and what type of work to pick. To avoid the same pitfall, start with the following platforms as you strive to build a profile:

  1. iWriter: A lot has been said about iWriter but what most people don’t want to say is that they started here. This is one of the easiest platforms to get started as a writer. Getting started is as easy as a signing up and finding orders you can complete. Your money will immediately be sent to your PayPal account when the client approves the order.
  2. If you want to earn money selling your expertise in a particular field, this is a good place to start. You can write guides on virtually anything under the sun. The rates might be low but completing work is easy and if you are good at what you are talking about, there isn’t much research required.
  3. Academic freelancer marketplaces: There are several reputable marketplaces where a starter can find work without the risk of losing their money. These include UpWork, PeoplePerHour, Guru, freelancer among others. You can find an academic writing job that perfectly suits your skills. On these platforms, you have a chance to work only on an area where you are good at by ensuring your platform clearly detailing your expertise in the profile section.
  4. Online Job Boards: The range of jobs available on online boards is immense and you have an opportunity to get a steady flow of work throughout the year. While the requirements are more stringent on these platforms, the pay is also better and can get special orders from your clients. Among the most notable freelancing job boards are Blogging Pro, Freelance Writing Jobs, Indeed, among others.

You can find writers and editors wanted ads on many other platforms but as a beginner you can narrow down your choices to these. Here you are guaranteed regular work and on time payments.

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Where To Look For Well-Paid Freelance Writing Jobs Fri, 20 Oct 2017 09:19:01 +0000 Read More]]> Online writing is one of the most popular work-from home opportunities to make money. With the advent of internet technology, making money has never been easier and specialists in all areas are finding it more convenient to sell their knowledge. Whatever your area of specialization, there is someone out there looking for an essay and you can turn your passion into money.

Why Online Writing?
While other avenues of making money online exist, academic writing jobs are the most readily available and simple for you to get started. All you need is a personal computer and a stable internet connection and you are set to go.

There is steady flow of orders throughout the year and as your reputation in a particular area of specialization grows, you will attract special orders from clients looking for topnotch papers. The flexibility offered by these jobs makes is easy to exploit these opportunities full time or as a side hustle. If you are planning to write from home the outlook in this field is positive.

As more people discover the convenience that comes with hiring experts online, you can leverage your established expertise to maintain a constant flow of work coming your way. By gradually building your reputation, you are able to grow your client base even during the low seasons.

Gold Mines for Best Writing Gigs
As more people discover the untapped opportunities in providing quality essays online, the competition for online writing job opening is bound to get stiffer. As a freelancer one of the most daunting tasks you face is finding quality and high paying content writing jobs. In a globalized internet market, it is a free for all and you have to be very keen to identify and leverage every opportunity that emerges.

The greatest secret to success in online writing is in knowing where you can sell your skills fast and at top dollar rates. Below are some curated sources of the top paying gigs in this field:

  1. LinkedIn Jobs
  2. Anyone intending to make money from plying their skills on the internet market has to be ready to network. If you already have a LinkedIn profile, make use of it by checking out the jobs section. Get interactive with people you think might be looking for essays or any other type of writing jobs.

  3. ProBlogger Job Section
  4. If you are serious about turning your love for words into money you should be familiar with ProBlogger by now. If not, this authority site built by Darren Rowse should be a good place to start. The jobs section is where you need to regularly visit and you might be lucky to connect with some of the top blogs.

  5. FlexJobs
  6. If you are into telecommuting, FlexJobs is a good platform to leverage. Writers have a chance to create a custom job search profile which helps attract tailored jobs. If for instance you are good at scientific writing jobs you can custom the orders coming your way and the best thing about this site is the alerts that come once a job matches your requirements.

  7. BloggingPro Job Section
  8. If you haven’t yet tried out the BloggingPro job board, you are missing out big time. There are hundreds of copywriting jobs and it is easy to find your preferred category by narrowing down your search. The credibility of this blogging site makes it popular with big-time blogs and you can get a chance to work with the crème de la crème in different niches.

Of course there are many other platforms where you can find high quality and top dollar freelance writing jobs. As a freelancer, you need to identify a niche to refine your expertise and also increase flow of return clients.

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What is the Best Way to Edit My Essay? Mon, 17 Jul 2017 10:29:58 +0000 Read More]]> One of the most critical mistakes a student can make before submitting their essay is failing to proofread. There are two reasons for this. First, editing is necessary to ensure that your thesis is proven and your main ideas are clear throughout. Second, it helps you ensure you have followed the proper guidelines for referencing your sources and used proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. This article will teach you the best techniques to edit my essay so you receive top marks.

  1. Don’t Proofread Alone
  2. You would be surprised at the large number of resources available for students who need papers edited. This ranges from a friend or family member that is willing to look over your work to online tools or sites offering editing help for students. You can rely on any of these resources. If you use a tool or let a friend help instead of calling on a professional, however, always be sure to check your work yourself before submitting it.

  3. Start in a Distraction-Free Environment
  4. Distractions are the enemy as you edit essay papers. They can cause you to overlook critical mistakes, especially those that your average spelling and grammar checker won’t check. Try to edit in a quiet area. You should also avoid distractions from social media, games, or other work that may pop up.

  5. Read Everything Slowly and Aloud
  6. The best way to proofread is to read aloud, especially if you have trouble slowing down as you edit. Reading aloud lets you catch mistakes that you might skim over otherwise. This is especially true if you recently completed the work. If you cannot read out loud, time yourself reading it at your average speed. Force yourself to slow down so it takes you at least 2 minutes longer when you edit your work.

  7. Follow the Style Guide
  8. Chances are, your teacher assigned the essay with the guidelines to use either APA- or MLA-format. It is critical that you follow these guidelines, since you can lose points if you don’t. Additionally, failure to provide the right information on your sources may cause your teacher to make you re-submit the entire assignment. If you are using an essay editing service, make sure they are aware of the style that was used for your paper so they can adjust errors accordingly.

  9. Double Check Your References
  10. The style that you write in depends on how thorough your references must be. Often, academic assignments require in-text citations that align with the sources listed on your reference page. Double check to make sure none of your sources are missing. Then, read through your paper and make sure you haven’t presented any facts without corresponding proof.

  11. Proofread in Steps
  12. If you hire professional editing help, they will tell you that editing is something that should be done in many steps. This lets you focus on one area at a time and ensures you will not miss anything. You should read over at least twice, but preferably more. If you are only reading twice, spend the first time checking for the flow of the work and the clarity of your ideas. The second time, you will want to focus on spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If you can, proofread several times and focus on things like spelling, grammar, and punctuation at individual times.

Often, the seemingly simple mistakes that may be overlooked without a thorough editing job can make the difference in your grade. Do not miss out on easy points. Remember, you can turn to outside help from an editing service if you are unsure of your abilities or want to guarantee a well-proofread essay submission.

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Successful Proofreading Techniques Mon, 10 Jul 2017 14:53:07 +0000 Read More]]> Before you sit down and wonder how proofread your school or work assignment is, consider the following techniques. Each of these will guide you, whether you are trying to complete the assignment on your own or you are seeking proofread help.

  • Check the Style Guidelines
  • Whether you are composing a school assignment or drafting a business memo, it is likely there are style guidelines already in place. School assignments typically use an established format like MLA- or APA- style, while business communications may use what is known as a ‘House Style’. When professional proofreaders wanted to review your work communicate with you, be sure they are aware of style specifics.

  • Read Slowly and Out Loud
  • One of the most useful ways to edit your own work is to read it out loud. This helps you catch things that you normally would not, especially things that your spelling and grammar checker may have missed. This includes disagreement between your subjects and verbs, excessive use of adverbs or passive voice, or repeated or omitted words. Additionally, reading out loud gives you the chance to check readability. If you stumble over it as you read, your readers will likely struggle with the sentence as well.

  • Enlist Help
  • Help for proofreading comes in many forms. You can look up techniques on the Internet, turn to an online writing services or an online proofreader, rely on a coworker or family member, or turn to an online tool. Remember, however, not to rely on any one source unless you are sure of their high level of professionalism and knowledge as a proofreader. This especially true of tools and friends/family that many not be able to catch every mistake.

  • Focus on One Area at a Time
  • One of the biggest mistake proofreaders make is trying to assess all the different elements of a piece of writing at once. The first time that you read through, focus on the clarity of your work. Change sentence structure and cut back on wordy sentences. The second time you edit your work, look for spelling and grammar errors. Finally, check for errors in punctuation and anything else you may have forgotten. This will take longer than reading through just once, but it is well worth it for the perfect piece of writing that results.

  • Edit in a Distraction-Free Environment
  • When you are distracted, whether it is your environment or your own mind, you are not going to do as thorough of a job as you normally would when editing written works. When you can, go to a room alone where it is relatively quiet. Do not worry about other tasks that you have coming up and do not multi-task. Multi-tasking involves focusing on other work, as well as recreationally multi-tasking by browsing social media or playing a game.

The above proofreading techniques can assist anyone, from people seeking jobs that read professional proofreaders wanted to students and business writers. They are something all writers and proofreaders should have knowledge of to perfect their latest writing assignment.

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Proofreading Techniques For Business Communications Wed, 21 Jun 2017 12:35:39 +0000 Read More]]> Face it, proofreading is not fun. It is also not something that you want to take time out of your busy work schedule to do, especially if you have other things on your plate. Even though it seems like a hassle, a poor business communication can be a deal-breaking situation. Keep reading to learn about the reasons proofreading is so important in business communications, as well as some proofreading techniques that you can use to get the job done right.

Why Proofreading is Critical in Business
There are many reasons that businesses must encourage their employees to proofread, including:

  • Failing to Proofread Can Cost You Clients
  • Imagine that you were hired to create an advertisement. It reads freelance writers wanted for writing jobs. The only problem is that you misspelled the client’s name. This may seem like a small mistake, but it can mean hours recreating the materials. It can also lead to a disappointed client who will not return for additional business in the future.

  • It Can Serve as a Good (or Poor) First Impression
  • When you are introducing yourself to a prospective client or to a fellow employee you will be working with, you only have one chance to make a first impression. If this is a written communication, simple errors in spelling, grammar, or clarity can result in a poor first impression.

  • Written Communications Can Be Unclear
  • When people are reading something instead of hearing it directly from a person, it can be easy to misunderstand the message. This is because non-verbal cues like body posture, tone, and facial expressions cannot be communicated across written message. For this reason, it is important to carefully read for clarity before you press ‘Send’ on a business communication.

Essential Business Communication Proofreading Tips
As you complete proofreading for business activities, it is important that you do it efficiently and effectively. Here are some useful tips.

  • Read Aloud When You Can
  • While reading a memo in a crowded office is not always possible, it can be useful for catching errors that you may not have. This is especially true if you have misplaced words, subject-verb errors, and other issues that lay outside the realm of the typical spelling and grammar issues you check for. Reading aloud also helps you catch lengthy or hard-to-understand sentences.

  • Check for Clarity
  • In business communication proofreader jobs, you should always check for clarity. Avoid wordy sentences and using jargon or slang. This becomes increasingly true when you are dealing with clients from different areas, since they may not understand ‘common’ expressions you are familiar with.

  • Give Your Eyes a Rest
  • How hard do you think it will be to spot errors on a computer screen you have been looking at all day? To avoid missing errors, let your eyes rest before your proofreading session. Take at least a 15-minute break from the screen. If you can’t print out your business communication to make edits.

Even though you can probably think of other things you could spend company time doing, proofreading is an essential part of business success. If you cannot muster the time or patience to do it yourself, consider hiring a proofreading service to help you. Alternatively, you can use some of the tips discussed toward the end of the preceding article to make your job a little easier.

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Why You Should Hire Professional Proofreader Wed, 07 Jun 2017 07:10:11 +0000 Read More]]> Proofreading is a necessary step sometimes overlooked by writers. Whether you are preparing an academic writing assignment, writing an e-mail, or typing out a blog, it is the final step before releasing your writing to the public. This article will go over the many reasons that this step is essential, as well as why you should consider a professional for this type of work.

Why Proofread?

Proofreading can have a profound effect on your writing. When you are drafting a blog or paper, it is easy to make mistakes once you are in the flow of writing. This is because when you are thinking of ideas, you are not paying close attention to things like spelling and grammar. The errors then affect your influence on the reader, as well as the credibility of your work. It is for these reasons that some writers and students look for someone for professional proofreading jobs to give their work a once-over before submission.

Why You Need a Professional

Now, you may be wondering why you need a professional proofreading service when there are online proofreading tools at your disposal. There are many reasons for this, including:

  1. You Have a Fresh Pair of Eyes to Review Your Work
  2. When you read your own work, it is more likely that you will skim through. This is habit, since you are already familiar with what it says. This quick reading, however, can lead to mistakes. A second reader is not familiar with your work and has the mindset to slowly and carefully read it through.

  3. Proofreaders Will Offer Non-Biased Advice
  4. Except for your instructor or boss, the people that you ask for help looking over your assignment may be worried about being too critical. In turn, they may overlook some mistakes to stop from being too critical or harsh. This is detrimental to the review process. If you choose someone who works professional proofreading jobs, they will remain non-biased as they make edit suggestions.

  5. Experienced Editors Know What to Look Out For
  6. There are many elements that go into a quality piece of writing. Things like spelling and grammar barely scratch the surface. Some things that also affect overall writing quality include sentence structure, use of passive voice, use of adverbs, and readability. A qualified editor will be able to check all these things and more.

  7. You Can Find Someone That is an Expert in Your Field
  8. In the case of high level research papers and advanced or complicated blog topics, it may be in your best interest to find someone knowledgeable in your field. The easiest place to locate people for specific topics is through a freelancing service or an expert proofreader website. If you choose an editing service, specify that you would like someone knowledgeable in your area.

  9. An Outsider Can Better Assess the Clarity of Your Writing
  10. If you have written a paper, article, or communication, chances are that you know what you mean. For this reason, it can be difficult for you to assess how clear your ideas are to the reader. Hiring an outsider for help as you proofread your work can give you a better idea of the conciseness of your ideas and how they come across to the reader.

In any situation where writing revisions must be completed, a second set of eyes is incredibly helpful. When you are looking for someone to hire, proofreader services can match you with a professional editor. This will give you a thorough review of your work and guarantee the response that you expect from your instructor, your audience, or your coworkers.

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